About Me

YOU DONT NEED TO KNOW HAHA all you need to know is I write poetry

03 November, 2010


Im Here
It's your choice
I'm here to let you speak
Come all with pain and sorrow
I understand
Not judgemental
It is ok to sob
Its nature
We all put that smile on at school as a shell
Yet there is no way out of it
Im here
Im not gonna expect you all to flock to me
If one of you
Need a shoulder to cry upon
If you need a ear
Need a friend
Need a way out of the pain
I am not here
See I myself
Can't lift the pain
Thats GOD'S job
Not mine
I am simply the the ears and shoulder
For your specific emotional
Not the fixer of them
But some people I knew resorted to
And cutting
No this is NOT your way to ESCAPE PAIN
The pain will be there until
You except
Him our SAVIOR
For he will lift the weight
Of your specific pain
I love you all
God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sam,
    I really enjoy your poetry I think it is really great you have a good talent on this stuff(:I hope you keep posting((:
